Your karma, purpose, and relationships were written in the stars!

Hi, I'm Joy...

I have been a professional, master numerologist for more than 25 years. I have worked with thousands of clients and have trained numerologists around the world in the art of intuitive reading with numerology. Numerology has been one of the most important tools in my healing, personal development, and spiritual awakening journeys. I an passionate to share the power of this ancient system with you now!


With one of our Master Numerologists

I have personally mentored each of our readers. They have a minimum of 2 (or more) years of professional training and hands-on professional experience in numerology, coaching, and/or healing. You can grab a free reading with our Master Numerologists by visiting our Facebook Group,Ā book a Free 30 Minute Private Call, or full paid reading below:

Michele Laine

Free 30 Min Reading

Jennifer Kohler

Free 30 Min Reading

Arlene Pe Benito

Free 30 Min Reading

Joy Kingsborough
Creator & Founder of Quantum Numerology, Master Numerologist, & Channel

Joy has more than 25 years of experience interpreting charts, teaching new readers, and mentoring professional numerologists. Her background is in Pythagorean. Intuitive, and Egyptian numerology.Ā Ā 

Joy is a Ruling Number 9, 3 of Spades Sun Card, 9 of Hearts Planetary Ruler
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